The weather in Dublin has FINALLY taken a turn for the better, and there is nothing we love more here than having a few of our favourite craft beers outside in the sun. Of course, there is one thing that crosses every Irish person's mind the minute the sun comes out: BBQ! Most often, these days end the same, with clouds appearing out of nowhere and the wind picking up the moment you have the BBQ lit. Here are the Five Stages of an Irish BBQ : Denial You wake up in the morning to see the sun shining in through your window. No WAY is it warm enough to have a BBQ... It couldn't possibly be, you think. All day you sit in work looking at the beautiful weather outside. It will have changed by the time you leave, sure doesn’t it always? Then when you leave work in the evening something amazing has happened, the sun is still out! Anger You rush to the shops the moment you're out the door to look for ...
Credit: Pop Chart Labs In Volume 1 we briefly talked about the three beer families, linked by that most modest of all the beer ingredients, yeast! Today we'll delve a little deeper, talk about some styles that have branched out from the three families. Hopefully by the end of this lesson you will be able to distinguish a Pilsner from a Pale Ale , a Stout from a Saison and a Bock from a Brown Ale... So, let's recap. Yeast is the magic ingredient in beer that converts the sugars from the malted barley into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Without it we would all be drinking flat, non-alcoholic hop-porridge run off and nobody wants that. There are 3 main types of Yeast and this will dictate what kind of beer you end up with: Lager Yeast , known as Saccharomyces Pastorianus (its ok, we can't really pronounce it either), ferments at cooler temperatures and drops to the bottom of the fermenting vessel...